"I didn't make the posters, I just copied the Star Systems from the posters. Nice catch though."

"I apologize for my earlier listing, which was horribly off the mark due to my skimming of the instructions. I hope this is better: 1. Drive 2. Source Code 3. The Adjustment Bureau 4. Fast Five 5."

"Great list, though that is Disneyland, not Disney World"

"Congrats on the completeion, very well done. It looks like it took a lot of time and effort to put this all together and to collaborate with so many people. Keep up the good work!"

"1. Drive 2. 500 Days of Summer 3. Mr. Nobody 4. American Psycho 5. The Butterfly Effect (Director's Cut) 6. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 7. The Fountain 8. What Dreams May Come 9. Van"

"50/50 was really good, had a balance of humor and seriousness which helped the movie and the cause."

"I live in New Jersey...Movies always take place here and yet are filmed in LA or NY. I can appreciate them without meeting them. I enjoy them for their skills, not the personable aura (if applicable)"

"I agree with Eesh...I voted purely for Mr. Nobody...and also for 500 Days of Summer!"

"American Psycho is definitely in my top 20, and I agree that The Watcher was better than the credit it gets "

"Great list, seems you did your homework!"

"Robert Downey Jr, Christian Bale, Leonardo DiCaprio, some of the best actors out there"

"look up fracture, could maybe add an extra rule about Double Jeopardy"

"English is my vote, then econmics! BTW, the picture of Rachael Weisz, isnt her, just fyi...Good list!"

"seems like every other movie made was always good back then...What happened? Now we get a good or okay movie every 2 months or so"