If you are looking for an all out, wolve versus man action thriller, this is not the movie for you. This movie is meant to tug at your emotions, teach you about love and death, as well as the Grey in between. The film draws you in, pulls you in and holds you. I am a huge fan of Liam Neeson, and he is a great narrator. His voice is what draws you in and grabs you, thrusting you into the theater seat. Overall, the movie is very enjoyable and worth watching. There is a scene after the credits which you should stay for as well.
If you would like a better completion or analysis of the movie, staying after the credits MAY give you that closure. The movie has a controversial ending where the viewer does not know if Liam Neeson dies or lives. This belief is based on if you have a positive or negative outlook on life and your own survival beliefs. I personally believe he was still alive, at least after the final confrontation. I have also had a theory that maybe the whole movie was a transition in Liam's mind? Maybe there was no plane crash. Maybe instead of his wife dying, it was actually him on the death bed. Maybe all the survivors were just different parts of Neeson's mind/personality/psyche slowly dying off during his slip into death. This is what I truly enjoyed about the movie. Each person could have their own interpretation of the movie without being wrong. I like thinking back on the movie, wondering about each different conclusion. I highly suggest checking it out.
The Grey review

Ever hear the story of the Scorpion & the Frog?

This movie is done perfectly. A great soundtrack, a great cast, and well acted thoughout the film. Some people may not enjoy it because, God forbid, they think a little. The movie is an abyss of meaning, you just have to actually work for it. The dialogue is minimal because the audience must use their faces and gestures to pick up on common human gestures. The film is smooth and very well done overall. Each shot is different and precise. Each car chase is shot differently, and for a reason. And no matter what, there seems to be a meaning for everything. A lot of effort was put into this lower budget movie, and it shines brilliantly. I saw it the opening weekend and just could not fathom the words to put together how great it was, I still can't to tell you the truth. I have seen it two and a half times already, and can not wait for it to be on Blu Ray/DVD.

Captain America: The First Avenger review

A great addition to the Marvel line up of superheroes. I will admit, I was very hesitant due to the publicity and hype built up. Chris Evans shrunk down was kind of off, but what else can you do? The voice did not match himself until after he transformed into Captain America. Otherwise, the movie was great. It flowed nicely, and the actors did a great job. Chris Evans was a perfect fit for the role. Maybe too overly nice, but otherwise great, especially for the type of humor needed. Hugo Weaving as Red Skull was definitely a perfect fit and I would not change a thing. Stanley Tucci's role was also very well done and felt good for the part it played. I liked the addition of the Stark family playing in the origins of Captain America, hopefully setting up for the much anticipated Avengers movie. Obviously people are going to pick at it. It is 2011 and the internet spreads word faster than a forest fire in the summer. In my opinion, I really enjoyed it, and will definitely be buying the DVD. Don't forget to stay after the credits, you will not be disappointed.

Transformers: Dark of the Moon review

Overall, my grading is a 6 out of 10. The 3D effects were great and spot on. Some of the action sequences were blurred between Transformers' battles, but much better than they have been in the past two. I am very sad Megan Fox could not be in the movie, and the way they explained it could have been nicer. Her replacement, Carly, did a better acting job in her role but did not pull off the model sexiness they were going for. The movie had its moments and story wise might be better than the others. Alan Tudyk stole the movie from everyone. Without him, it would have had no humor and a lower rating. He made it watchable and worthwhile. Overall, a good watch but I doubt I will ever do it again.

Bad Teacher review

I just want to start this review by saying it is highly annoying and beligerent to me when a person talks or yells out something during a movie. It reminds me of one of the Scary Movies where she is stabbed by the quiet audience. Ah, good times, good times indeed. Anyway, back to the review. Bad Teacher stars Cameron Diaz as a non-caring teacher who finds sugar daddies to take care of her. After being dumped, she must attend her teaching job once again to barely pay the bills. While the premise is based upon her making enough money to buy a new chest for herself, the comedy makes many jokes throughout the movie. I was not laughing every two minutes, but it is definitely worthwhile to watch. I felt it could have been longer, or maybe more development, but otherwise is was overall done well. Lucy Punch as the top teacher of the school who continuously bumps heads with Diaz basically steals the show. Her character is spot on. Justin Timberlake does a fantastic job as well playing the next target of Ms. Halsey. Every character in the movie helps connect everythign very well. The story seems to only scratch the surface of what it could have been, but the cast makes up for it. Enjoy.

Green Means Hope Too

I enjoyed the movie because it was one of the many mindless summer movies we have all come to expect. People are rating it low because it is not up to par with the other superhero movies coming out. It is also not leading up to a major orgasm called The Avengers, thus it already starts out low. The graphics are great, Reynolds plays his usual self, and it is definitely worth seeing. Sure it is predictable at times, but it is a comic book come to life, and it is not killed like many others have. Don't go see the movie with any expectations. Don't read into it anymore, don't listen to the bashing opinions of many of the critics, just go with an open mind and a child-like excitement of a new superhero movie. I hope they continue on with the story. and stay mid-way after the credits.

Community review

I was recently referred to Community by a friend who spoke of only good things about it. I started watching the first episodes and held on due to the good words. This show evolves into a comedy that is better than anything else on the 22 minute awful comedies out there. The cast is eclectic and perfectly coordiantes with the others in the Study Group. I don't want to give much away, but it is true when others say when you think you've seen the best episode, another great one comes along. My favorite is between the Chicken one, or the Paintball one. Either way, I hope the show stays on for as long as possible, and that they keep up the fantastic work.

Super 8 review

Fairly good movie overall. I kept waiting for that something special within the film to make it all worth it, and it never quite achieved it. A movie definitely worth seeing once, but otherwise that's the only time you'll need to see it. To me, twas a disappointment. I hope it is different for some of you!

X-Men: First Class review

Very well done X Men movie that keeps your attention throughout the movie, only losing you if you are not somewhat familiar with the Marvel Universe. Otherwise, there is much innuendo for the Superhero movie class that will keep you smirking through most of the movie. Highly enjoyable, and each person plays their part beautifully. Magento is the most compelling role and Fassbender shows how anger truly is how he operates. McAvoy's role seemed lighter than expected, but Bacon's role counteracted it with greatness and prowess done to perfection. And by the way, do not bother waiting until after the credits, unfortunately there is no scene after it, and Stan Lee does not appear in the movie, a first for him not to play in one of his Marvel adaptations.

Harsh Times review

Christian Bale knows how to play psychological parts really well, this being a prime example. The viewer can follow in the footsteps of his ensuing breakdown through his actions and the reasons he does what he does. His violent past plays a major role in th emovie and leads to the finale quite smoothly but predictably. Overall a good watch if given the time, not as much action as one would expect, but definitely worth a view.